In case you haven't noticed yet (though I'm sure you have), at this stage, our blog isn't a full-time job for me....just yet. Eventually it will be, as we grow, expand, set new goals, etc. For now, this has been a great self-care motivator for me.
That also means that I am tending to sit down and write ONLY when I have the time, and let me tell you, the past 1.5 weeks I've had everything BUT time.
For those of you that have moved or gone through a big upheaval with your Autistic child... you'll know where I'm coming from. You might also be shocked, because Nate handled it like a CHAMPION. We've had some ups and downs, such as learning the new placement and new routines at the new house, BUT ultimately, I think Nate has adapted quite well.
It was difficult for the first few days, because everything was in boxes and he was so confused. We tried our best when we packed to put all ESSENTIAL things in one easily identifiable box so that he wasn't without his favourite stuffies, pajamas, bath toys, etc. The things that make him comfortable and feel safe. As soon as we pulled that stuff out on Sunday, he was a-ok. Seeing his bed, with his Minions bedsheets, and his brothers bed right next to it, also helped. It may be a new room (and HUGE), but to him, the important things in there are his bed and his step-brother.
I was really stressed when it came to moving - on top of all the normal moving stressors, I was also freaking out about how my kids would handle it. It wasn't a long drive from Stratford to Listowel, but once we were at the new house, there was a lot of "don't go in there,' or "please watch out," or "oh my god don't slam that door that I had no idea was there!" Ultimately, I think I carried more stress about it than I needed to. Sure, the kids had some upset moments and got bonked with a piece of furniture or a box a couple times (no children were harmed in the moving process), but it was all relatively expected, normal tantrums.
That night, the boys were exhausted and clocked out IMMEDIATELY and I was extremely thankful we moved on a long weekend that Nick had off, so that the next day (Monday) was spent as a family, trying to organize our day in a way that made sense. The boys were so excited, that we were woken up at the crack of dawn with kids jumping on our bed - because of course, we don't have the child-lock door handles on yet (giant face-palm). They were incredibly patient as we navigated getting breakfast (no food had come over with us yet, so Timmies donuts it was), and spent the majority of the day out in the backyard with the dogs, giving me some much needed calm unpacking time.
We've now been in the new house for ALMOST a full week. Our real-life schedules start again on Monday (Nate going to daycamp, etc), so clothes have been unpacked and washed, lunchboxes have been unburied, groceries were finally bought, and I think we might be on our way to some normalcy.
Nate has also grown significantly, and I think he's comfortable in the new house because he's no longer relying on the TV to regulate his day. A few months ago, we had to have the TV on non-stop. A movie ALWAYS had to be playing, whether he was watching it or not. Now, he eats his breakfast while watching an educational episode of Wild Kratts (100% recommend), then gets up and goes to the playroom to play with a sensory bin. TV goes off, music goes on (if he wants) and he spends a solid 30-45 minutes playing with different sensory bins on his own, before wanting to go sit outside with me. I mean, I now get a legitimate 1 to 2 hours of peaceful "me" time to drink coffee before he insists on playing with me, and I am SO here for it.
I'm not holding my breath, because I'm sure as more gets unpacked and we switch things around depending on how we find they work, Nate will get a little unsettled. Overall though, I really should have trusted my kiddo more. I should've had more faith that he was a-ok and was able to handle it. Where did my baby go, and why is he almost 4?!
Do you have any tips/stories about moving with your ASD kiddos?
The Spectrum Mom
